Tuesday, June 28, 2011


     Shake hands. Typically, it is common to shake hands when you meet someone in   the Arabic society. The younger person should offer their hand first.
Say good morning. If somebody tells you good morning, it is considered very cold to answer back with the same response of "Good morning." Add either the title of sir or my lady when you answer back or when somebody salutes you.
Kiss your close opposite gender friends. It is common on continental Western Europe for men and women to kiss when they are close friends. However, do not kiss a close friend of the same gender.
Never say anything if someone sneezes. It is considered impolite to show you took attention to the other persons' body sounds.
Avoid talking about religion. Please note that even though the majority of Arabs are Muslims, there are also many other religious beliefs an Arab could have.
Pay the check in a restaurant. If you want to pay the restaurant, ask and insist. It is considered that you must at least ask two or three times if you can have the honor of paying the bill. Make sure that if you don't pay this time, there is always next time to be insistent to pay. Keep in mind that if you are in an Arabic country it is important to tip well the waiter (about 10%).
Do not talk much while eating. Wait until after the end of the meal to talk.
Reject politely. Like Japanese culture, Arabs dislike to answer a direct "no." There are many ways of indirect "no" without saying it formally. It's kind of a polite lie, but it's understood by the two persons.
Watch your sense of humor. Even though most Arabs appreciate a good sense of humor, avoid stereotypical jokes.
Compliment others. It can be about clothes, food, wall papers, etc. Avoid complimenting on a physical aspect, for this can be seen as impolite.

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